selamat mlm semua..! semua..? anda.anda dan juga anda. anda tu sesiap aja lah. keke.
so how's ur day today..?
well as for me biasa,slumber,rilek aja. keke..
Well. Incik Kerie is here!! yey! Alhamdulillah. it was wonderful to know that he will spend da time with me here.. happy....happy... & happy again.... =) muacks! sayang kamo lebeyh.
he will be here until monday.. horrey!! even i juz can spent tyme with him kejap2 but we tetap bsyukur. at least kami dapat bersama juga kn syg.!!
horrey. today, i have meet him around 8.30 am to bought some food for brekpes. around 9.30 am we hav to go home. huh..
even we hav spent 1 hour together but we fell kejap ajaa.. cepat sungguh masa berlalu kn syg.
nunggu punya la seksa tapi bila dah bsama,adeh cepat plak. rasa x puas pum ada but tpaksa la kan,kan.
for today, kami hanya luangkan masa dgn membeli brekpes for parents not for us! eh! i hav bought nsik gulai ikan ayo/ikn kering for him. ye lah,udah lama dier x mkn gulai kuning yang made kelate ni kan. kekeke.....
so kami x brekpes bsama la juz bual2 dlm kreta.
so for tomorrow, x sure lg lah. cuz esk hari pilihan raya for msia. if i can't bought for brekpes alamatnya next day baru leh jumpa incik kerie. oh GOD, i miss him beary much. how bout u my dear? are u miss me..?? =]
apa pun, now i can't bg kputusan lg. tomorrow mownim baru leh confirm balik. i'll call u okeh.
juzt wait okeh.
p/s: kalau ikutkan hati ni,rasa nak sgt jumpa 'kamo' but i must ask my dad dulu okeh =]
missed u so much!
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