Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra Sultan Ismail Petra, son of Sultan proclaimed as a new king today.
Proclamation of the Declaration was announced by the Menteri Besar Kelantan, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat at Balai Rong Seri of Istana Balai Besar here at 12:30 this afternoon.
"But this is declared in accordance with article 29 A Law of the Constitution of the State to appoint and confirm the Regent of Kelantan throne to replace his father in force today," he said.
Meanwhile, there is no Legislative Assembly Special State held today, which is believed to be related to the Proclamation of Regent, Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra as the Sultan of Kelantan.
Governors of the Royal Palace of Kelantan, Datuk Halim Hamad when contacted, said the ceremony held in Kota Darulnaim, the state administration today is the city council and not the conference banquet hall.
In the meantime, all the journalists are not allowed to cover the Kota Darulnaim for believing there is a special assembly session starting at 10 am.
Journalists are allowed to wait at the guard station at the entrance to Kota Darulnaim.
They were shown a letter by the controller of the Protocol Unit of the State Secretary of State not to allow any coverage is made.
Previously, it was reported that the Regent of Kelantan will be proclaimed as Sultan of Kelantan today after more than a year into the Regent.
Meanwhile, Kelantan Umno expressed strong support in the Proclamation of His Majesty Muhammad Faris Petra Sultan Ismail Petra, son of the Sultan promulgated as a new king today.
Deputy State UMNO Liaison Chairman, Datuk Awang adek Hussin said the council announced the declaration of the Proclamation by the Menteri Besar Kelantan, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat Balai Rong Seri of Istana Balai Besar here at 12.30pm.
He said the appreciation and congratulations to the leadership of UMNO Kelantan was hoping he was always a blessing and continues to generate prosperity for the people in this country.
"On behalf of UMNO state support must be disclosed under the umbrella of the rule may Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra state will continue to progress and develop," he said.
He was speaking to reporters at the Aidilfitri Open House at his residence in Kampung Perupuk, near here this afternoon.
Nik Abdul Aziz was declared to pronounce: "There is hereby declared in accordance with article 29 A Law of the Constitution of the State to appoint and confirm the Regent of Kelantan throne to replace his father in force today," he said.
Dr. Adek Awang said the Kelantan Umno urged all members, including at the grassroots level to give undivided loyalty to divide the newly crowned Sultan of Kelantan.
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