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03 November 2010

LOVE.COM.MY has the gift you are looking for!

Nik Nurehan | Wednesday, November 03, 2010 | 1 Komen

Greeting from!

Deepavali or also known as Festival of Lights is observed by Hindus in recognition of the triumph of good over evil in the seventh month of the Hindu calendar and it is celebrated on the Hindu month of Kartik which falls on 5th November 2010. Thanksgiving prayers and cleansing rituals take place at temple and household altars throughout the country.

Its a day of festive joy for all Hindus and Malaysians to visit their relatives and friends of Hindu faith to extend good wishes and to partake in the feasting and jollity.

There is no better way to celebrate Deepavali but by sending Gift baskets, Hampers or Cakes to your business associates and loved ones. At you will surely find something suitable and special to be given to your loved ones, family and friends during this Deepavali.

Check out Deepavali Hampers and Gifts baskets (!

* cik an dgn jujurnya mgatakan cik an penah sudah menggunakan service ni. sgt bagussss ok!!

ye lah memula tu order utk keesokkan harinya. time tu nk wt suprise to my adik, ellena. tutt2 ellena kata nk balik kelate hari esk. ha tu la nk suprise sgt. kena la tanggung risiko kan. nsib la ellena ni bg tau dia nk balik kalau tidak entah camne. apa lagik terus jerk cik an call the utk cancel phantaran ari esk tapi nk buat ari ni jgk. wah ari ni order, ari ni suh pos kan. nsibbbbbbb la dia rang kata ok! boleh. yeay!!

sbb tu lah cik an puji bagusssss!!! ;) first time mcuba & bpuas hati dgn pkhidmatan dia rang!!

hurm ala x kira la utk deepavali ke, raya ke, besday ker. korang ada rasa nk wt suprise utk seseorang bole la mcuba lah! lalallaaa.. wahh promote tu!!! ;)

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