OMG!! I got 8 buffered earnings from Nuffnang! - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: OMG!! I got 8 buffered earnings from Nuffnang!

18 November 2010

OMG!! I got 8 buffered earnings from Nuffnang!

Nik Nurehan | Thursday, November 18, 2010 | 3 Komen
18/11/2010 - 8 campaigns!
Buffered Earnings bertambah, hati bertambah senang (:
OMG 1 More Buffered Earnings From Nuffnang

I got 8 buffered earnings from Nuffnang!
Terima kasih NUFFNANG..!!!

1. Sanofi Lactacyd LR
2. STB Thematic Branding LR
3. Celcom KL Dragons SS
4. AMP Era.FM SS
5. AMP Hitz.FM LB
6. Olay SS
7. CIMB Clicks Pay and Win LR
8. Celcom Blackberry Torch Contest LB

I notice that in this month, everywhere and there, most blogger post an entry about getting Buffered Earning, including me!For some blogger , it is their first buffered earning, but to some, it’s their 20th , 30th or 50th!

A Buffered Earning or CPM ( Cost per Impression Ads-please pardon me if I’m wrong) means that the advertisers bought some space in your blog for their ads/ product campaigns and their paying you based on unique impression (i.e visitors) that come to your blog, eventhough they did not click your ads.

This means , the ads are different form CPC (Cost per Click) ads which require the visitor to click at the ads in order for you to get paid. So, when you get Buffered Earning, you’re getting paid by how many visitors/readers that come to your blog!

Sebelum ini : 7 campaigns!

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  1. how could u have that so much BE? I am not even get one.. :(

  2. عظيم ، لقد وجدت ما كنت لقد كانت تبحث عن


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