Address :Lot G27, Ground Floor, KB Mall Section 16, Jalan Hamzah 15050 Kota Bharu Kelantan Darul Naim.
Business Hours : 10.00am - 10.30pm

This brand new roaster an entirely in house creation and makes special use of a spice that is very popular with Malaysians, black pepper.
This roaster is first marinated in a special blend of pepper and other secret spices before being roasted to perfection.
The high quality of the pepper used makes the roaster juicily irresistible down to the last tasty bite.
Customers will be rewarded with a peppery experience never experienced in a roaster before!
The Roaster Lada will be available at all RasaMas restaurants in the country for a limited period of two months, until mid January 2011.
There are also Roaster Lada sets that come with options of Western side dishes or Asian accompaniments. A Western set meal comes with options of breaded wedges, coleslaw, iced lemon tea, and tapioca cutlet with ice cream and is while the rice set includes mixed vegetables and raisin rice (priced at RM16.80).

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