Super Direct Drive Inverter Motor
The Next Generation of Direct Drive Motor is S-DD Inverter Motor 48 new magnet named Neodymium are used, which are more powerful and energy-saving than Ferrite magnet which is used for DD Inverter Motor. The features for S-DD are low noise & high accuracy, powerful & rapid rotation, less energy consumption, thin & light. Of course it operates as the same as DD Inverter motor, without drive, belts and gears, which are part of the conventional washing machine. It thus delivers low-noise direct rotation and provides precise rotation speeds under the inverter control, it is adjustable for different type of clothing. Sensors built directly into the motor provide accurate detection of laundry volume as well as the status of laundry during washing and fine-tune the pulsator rotation speed assuring perfect washing.
Circular Air Intake
Hydro Twin Power
Hydro Twin Power ensures great improvement of wash performance. 4 water jet outlets generates a big water circulation that dissolves detergent quickly and penetrates detergent water evenly into the fabric at high and low positions. The volume of water penetrating fabric is increased.
W-Turn Pulsator
Colour:Metalic Silver
Wash Functions:
- Regular Wash
- Heavy Wash
- Speed Wash
- Soak Function
- Delicate Wash
- Softener
- Blanket
ini lah kelebihan kalau mbik brand toshiba ;) kalau brand lain hanya ada gerenti tang motor shj tapi kalau brand toshiba siap ada gerenti bahagian panel.!
Yaaahoooo!!! sudah ada mesin basuh baru di rumah.x susah2 dh nak membasuh kain yang tinggi mggunung!! ;)
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