Are you a Facebook addict and you just can't get enough of it? Don't worry cause DiGi is hooking us up with RM1/day internet plan. Click for more info! #DiGiFBAnniversary - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: Are you a Facebook addict and you just can't get enough of it? Don't worry cause DiGi is hooking us up with RM1/day internet plan. Click for more info! #DiGiFBAnniversary

08 April 2011

Are you a Facebook addict and you just can't get enough of it? Don't worry cause DiGi is hooking us up with RM1/day internet plan. Click for more info! #DiGiFBAnniversary

Nik Nurehan | Friday, April 08, 2011 | 0 Komen

Linda: Wow! Tiffany in a relationship on Facebook! Nick: Really? Linda: Go Like their status now! Nick: But it’s costly to surf with my phone… Does this scenario sound familiar to you? I know. I know. We are guilty for being victims for this. But you are not going to believe what DiGi has for us.. How do you like the sound of surfing Facebook excessively for only RM1/day? You got that right! One Ringgit only! So how do you Facebook? Facebook a little or facebook a lot, there is a DiGi Internet plan for all. SMS FACEBOOK to 2000 for the plans (Digi subs only) Spread this good news around this instant! Have fun sharing.

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