GOOD DIET BALANCE WITH NESTLE BLISS YOGURT DRINKdo so by taking up the Nestle Bliss 14-Day Challenge ! - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: GOOD DIET BALANCE WITH NESTLE BLISS YOGURT DRINKdo so by taking up the Nestle Bliss 14-Day Challenge !

18 May 2011

GOOD DIET BALANCE WITH NESTLE BLISS YOGURT DRINKdo so by taking up the Nestle Bliss 14-Day Challenge !

Nik Nurehan | Wednesday, May 18, 2011 | 0 Komen
“As our lives become more time-consuming, demanding and stressful, sustaining excellent health at all time is important. Not only do we need to consume a well-balance diet and exercise regularly, we must also know how to care for our digestive system.”

So Nestlé has come up with a simple solution, the Nestlé Bliss Yogurt Drink. Nestlé Bliss Yogurt Drink is the only yogurt drink in Malaysia that contains Inulin (fibre) and live cultures. All you need is just two servings of the yogurt drink daily for 14 days as a part of your daily diet and improve your digestive system for better health.

Yogurt drink contains different kinds of beneficial bacteria

NESTLE (Malaysia) Berhad is calling on more Malaysians to make yogurt drink a part of their daily diet and improve their digestive system for better health.

“The yogurt drinking habit should be cultivated among Malaysians as it is full of goodness and has different kinds of bacteria that are beneficial to our overall health.

“As our lives become more time-consuming, demanding and stressful, sustaining excellent health at all times is important.

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