I never knew giving birth would be one of the best experiences in life. When it comes to labor and birth, most people would talk about agonizing and scary stories, be it their experience or other people's. Sure it's painful, but it's the kind of pain that comes with inner sensations that is indescribable. A few minutes later, it came again. And again. And again.
Hadif Hassani was born :)
Yup, that's his name.
The next day, I was discharged.
Anyway, Hadif Hassani means "yang mempunyai matlamat"
After 6 hours of labour,baby finally out. Ooooh the pain was indescribable! At 5.25 am, my baby boy was born :) He weigh 3.75kg with the length of 54cm.. Well, that might be bias because he is my baby. You would say the same thing too to you baby kan!! Hhahhaha… Alhamdulillah, everything was normal. Thank you Allah!
Hadif Hassani was born :)
Yup, that's his name.
The next day, I was discharged.
Anyway, Hadif Hassani means "yang mempunyai matlamat"

* Alhamdullilah, melahirkan hadif scara normal tnpa epidural walaupun size baby agak besar!
* Trima kaseh Doc Awang Nila Ismail.
* Trima kaseh ibu tcinta, my aunty cik bie & mil aka mother in law iaitu umi.
tak lupa pd dikna & diksya turut serta pd mlm itu.
* TQ so much incik suami & maap la yerp atas kekasaran isterimu ketika brada di labour room. heeee. Pepaham je lah kalau dh sakit sgt neh.