Sales Period : 1 March - 24 March 2013. Available at all Mothecare outlets in West Malaysia. Some item may only available at selected outlets. While stocks last.
* ada peluang la nk bshopping di mothercare bln 3 nanti. insyaALLAH ;)
If you haven't already installed safety gates at the top and bottom of your staircases and covered banister openings with mesh or plastic covers, do it as soon as possible. "Never let your child play unattended on or near staircases unless there's a gate," says Victoria J. Youcha of Zero to Three, a nonprofit organization devoted to the healthy development of infants and toddlers. "And keep your safety gates up until your child is at least 3 years old."
Once your child starts walking, it's safe to let her climb stairs on her feet, holding your hand and/or the railing for support. Make sure she doesn't have to stretch so far that she loses her balance. Some early walkers prefer the hands-and-knees method of climbing for a few months until they feel comfortable enough climbing the stairs standing up.
By 24 months old or so, your child should be able to go up and down stairs safely on her own while holding onto the railing, though you should still stay close by to prevent slips and falls. Outdoor play equipment with a short ladder to climb or steps up to a slide are great practice, too.