Happy 3 month Engagament Anniversary to us! - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: Happy 3 month Engagament Anniversary to us!

30 October 2010

Happy 3 month Engagament Anniversary to us!

Nik Nurehan | Saturday, October 30, 2010 | 2 Komen

It's been 3 month since I got engaged, and I have to say, I’m thoroughly enjoying this period of my life. I still remember that day so clearly. I have tried to memorize every detail of that day.

Happy 3rd Month Anniversary to US!!

You will always be my all, my everything, my love, my heart, my other half, my lover, my best friend.
Relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. It just needs two wonderful people; one who can trust and one who can understand.

Wish we will always be TOGETHER and LOVE each other!!

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