Enjoy Great Savings on your Fresh Favourites + Stand a Chance to win a New Chevrolet Cruze 1.8L! - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: Enjoy Great Savings on your Fresh Favourites + Stand a Chance to win a New Chevrolet Cruze 1.8L!

03 December 2010

Enjoy Great Savings on your Fresh Favourites + Stand a Chance to win a New Chevrolet Cruze 1.8L!

Nik Nurehan | Friday, December 03, 2010 | 0 Komen

Macam tahu2 jerk incik tesco neh. tahu2 je lah yg hari neh nk ke tesco. hehe. ari neh cek2 email masyukk email dari incik tesco. haha. biasa la kalau tesco send mail mestiii bg tau ttg harga promosi mereka.
sudah 2 minggu x bshopping brg dapur. kmanyakkan brg2 dapur hampir abis sudah lebih2 sayur. mmg khabisan stok dlm peti. hehe.. smemangnya cik an slalu ke pasar tapi entah la kemalasan utk membeli sayur di situ.
suka sgt membeli sayur sepeti kubis, carrot, brokoli di tesco. murah n bersih :)

Dear Valued Customer,

Enjoy great savings with our incredible price cuts on your fresh favourites; Cavendish Banana at just RM1.99 per kg(Before RM2.99), Black Pepper Roasted Chicken at RM7.99 per bird(Before RM8.99), Kangkung at only RM1.49 per kg (Before RM2.59) and more.

Join our Spend & Win contest! Stand a chance to win a brand new Chevrolet Cruze 1.8L by just spending RM50 and above in a single receipt at Tesco or any shop from Tesco Malls. There are also 60 fantastic monthly prizes up for grabs!

Don’t miss the best Back To School bargains at Tesco! Tesco Assorted Go Create Pencil Case for just RM2.90 to RM6.90 each. Kilometrico Ball Pen 100 at RM1.85 for a pack of 4. Tesco Drinking bottles from just RM3.90 to RM5.90 and many more at incredible prices!

We hope you’ll have lots of fun shopping and see you soon at Tesco!

For you & your family

Kepada Pelanggan Yang Dihormati,

Nikmatilah penjimatan besar dengan potongan harga hebat untuk makanan segar kegemaran anda!Pisang Cavendish hanya RM1.99 setiap kg (Sebelum RM2.99), Ayam Panggang Lada Hitam pada RM7.99 seekor (Sebelum RM8.99),Kangkung pada RM1.49 setiap kg (Sebelum RM2.59) dan banyak lagi.

Sertailah peraduan Belanja dan Menang kami dan anda akan berpeluang memenangi sebuah kereta Chevrolet Cruze baru!. Anda hanya perlu berbelanja RM50 ke atas di dalam satu resit di Tesco atau kedai-kedai di Tesco Mall. Sebanyak 60 hadiah-hadiah bulanan yang hebat juga sedia untuk dimenangi!

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk menikmati tawaran-tawaran hebat Kembali Ke Sekolah! Pelabagai Kotak Pensil Tesco Go Create hanya RM2.90 dan RM6.90 setiap satu.Pen Mata Bulat Kilometrico 100 pada RM1.85 untuk 4 pen setiap pek. Tesco Drinking bottles from just RM3.90 to RM5.90 dan banyak lagi pada harga-harga hebat!

Kami berharap anda berseronok semasa membeli-belah di Tesco!

Untuk anda sekeluarga!


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