♥ White Berry so much ;) - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: ♥ White Berry so much ;)

21 December 2010

♥ White Berry so much ;)

Nik Nurehan | Tuesday, December 21, 2010 | 0 Komen

My incik tunangan bought a BlackBerry Bold 9780 or also known as the Bold 3 to the BB fans for Me! Yeay!! Trima kaseh sayangku! bsyukur sesangat krn memiliki incik tunangan yg sangat2 baek hati n memahami kehendak cik tunangannya. haha. mana taknya dah cik an duk merengek2 kata mahukan white berry kan! hehe.

So I finally got myself a BlackBerry, the latest device bb 9780, an upgrade of BlackBerry 9700 and was released just recently. It’s something very cool, very sexy, the Boldness, especially the QWERTY keyboard. I really like QWERTY keyboard very much as it’s awesome.

Mesti korang tetanya tanya kan knapa x angkat bb torch 9800 tu kan. mmg femes giler ah bb 9800 tu tapi apakan daya pada mulanya mmg la cik an tgila gila mahukan yg ituuu!! mmg bkenan sangat ah tapi memikirkan malas dh nk guna slide, so lelama jd x mo plak. hihi. lg pun dulu2 sudah guna jenis slide kan. x kan kali ni nk pakai slide lg. ada jgk org complain yang 9800 kurang bagus, dah la touch screen, slide lagik. kut2 la kita cuai kan entah apa di touch tanpa kita sedari. huhu. bila kuar 9780 neh mula jatuh cinta lebih2 ke kaler puteh. x brapa mahu kaler hitam walaupun hp itu nama nya blackberry takmo la kaler hitam. nampak biasa jerk. hehe. mcm ramai dh guna kaler2 hitam kan. slalunya bb ni akn kluar colour hitam n puteh jek. jadi mata mmg tetumpu utk memilki bb white lah. alhamdullilah, akhirnya bb white dlm genggaman dan dinamai dgn white berry! tsangat2 la chumel n bepuas hati oke. x mo dah hp lainnnnnnnnn! titikk. hihi.

BlackBerry is a device that need to use with the BIS, BlackBerry Internet Service. ho yeah keesokkan harinya kami bdua ke celcom utk meregister line bb neh. alhamdullilah malam tu teruss active ok! ;) lalalala senangnya dlm hati.

Antara fungsi menarik Blackberry Bold 9780

1. OS6

OS6 menjadikan Blackberry Bold 9780 lebih laju, pantas dan smooth berbanding model sebelumnya Blackberry Bold 9700. Pelayar web terbaru dalam OS6 yang menggunakan teknologi webkit membolehkan pelayaran internet anda lebih sempurna dan laju. Pelayar web Blackberry 9780 kini boleh dikatakan setanding dengan pelayar web iphone dan android.

2. Bateri tahan paling lama

Smartphone Blackberry terkenal dengan bateri yang tahan lama. Blackberry Bold 9780 pula merupakan model Blackberry yang mempunyai bateri paling tahan lama dalam keluarga Blackberry iaitu 6 jam waktu berbual dan 38 jam memainkan lagu tanpa henti.

Connectivity at your fingertips Wi-Fi
Equipped with Wi-Fi®capabilities, the BlackBerry® Bold 9780 will enable you to effortlessly switch between various networks to access your BlackBerry services. Lugging your laptop around or looking for the nearest cyber cafe is now a thing of the past.
Connectivity at your fingertips 3G network support
With a 3G support, you can always check emails, browse website or stream videos just anywhere around the world on 3G networks.With BlackBerry® Bold 9780, it is now easier to keep in touch.
Connectivity at your fingertips High resolution screen
The BlackBerry® Bold 9780 provides a dazzling display for an engaging experience. Your daily tasks be it viewing videos, surfing websites or reading emails are now livelier.
Connectivity at your fingertips Share and go media
Upload your videos and share your music instantly with friends and family through the BlackBerry® Bold 9780. Equipped with a microSD slot, you can now carry all your videos and music wherever you go.

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