Iklan nuffnang stiasa ada! love Nuffnang so much! - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: Iklan nuffnang stiasa ada! love Nuffnang so much!

01 March 2011

Iklan nuffnang stiasa ada! love Nuffnang so much!

Nik Nurehan | Tuesday, March 01, 2011 | 2 Komen
http://www.an-wardrobe.blogspot .com


Iklan iklan! saya tsangat suka bila iklan duk bling2 dlm blog yang x sberapa ini. hehe.
2 iklan dari incik quaker oats dan satu lagik dr milk a deal.
slalu sgt bcakap mgenai milk a deal. tapi korang farahm ke apa yang diiklankannya?
bagi yang suka mdapatkan sesuatu yg murah2, yang suka promosi mmg sesuai sgt la kalau dapatkan voucher yg best2 dari mereka ni. hari2 ada jerk promosi tbaru diiklankan.

* sbenanrnya x kesah la apa2 iklan yang dikeluarkan. ia dapat myokong pdapat smpingan kita tau! ;)

kalau mgenail quarke oats ini slalu sgt kita2 tengok iklan amy mastura di tv kan. dengan mjaga jantung kita jadi sehat makan la quaker oat! hihi " make malaysia heart healty!! "

Oats : The Super Whole Grain

Oats have more protein, calcium and Vitamin E than other common unfortified whole grains (wheat, brown rice or whole corn grain) on a gram per gram basis. Only oats have a high amount of soluble fibre (beta glucan) compared to whole wheat or rice.

Whole Grains − How Much is Enough?

Consuming a balanced amount of whole grains is an important part of a healthy diet. Whole grains are versatile and can be easily incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. We should aim for at least 3 servings of whole grains daily and 6 servings of any grain products. A serving size of whole grains is a slice of bread, ½ cup of brown rice, 2 serves of wheat chapati or a serve of Quaker Oats.

Whole Grains are Much More than Fibre

Whole grains contain all three parts of the grain kernel - the germ, endosperm and bran. Most often during the milling process the bran and germ are removed leaving only the endosperm. This results in refined grains. However, whole grains contain all three parts of the grain - this makes them a richer source of fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Quaker Oats are whole grain products and a powerhouse of nutrition because they contain all three parts of the grain.


Largest part of the kernel
Contains most of the carbohydrates and protein


Coarse outer layer of the kernel
Contains the most fibre


The "heart" of the grain and source of new growth
Rich in B vitamins, heart healthy oils and mineral

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