Button MY Buttons, Subang Jaya is pushing the right buttons with this RM10 for RM30 worth of cash voucher. Get the dea at milk a deal!

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RM10 for RM30 worth of cash voucher from Button My Buttons, Subang Jaya [67% OFF]

Shahida caters to her growing market by mass producing the items at her own factory in Bandung; not bad for a 27 year old with just 4 years in the fashion industry, half of which was spent concentrating on her ‘Buttons’.
With this RM30 voucher, you get to use it against purchases of the following at Button My Buttons Subang Jaya store:
1) Button Traditional (chic baju kurung design by Shahida Shariff)
2) Button My Buttons Handmade (handmade, handbag design by Shahida Shariff)
3) Custom made baju kurung (send your own material for tailoring by Shahida Shariff)

Handmade slings, wrislets, handbags, baju kurung, kebaya and shoes (Kinky Collections) are some of the items that bore her signature and if you see polkadots and bows on cotton materials, that's unmistakenly one of Button My Buttons.

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