Brita Baik bg Penggemar Ice Cream!! 50% off [HALAL] - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: Brita Baik bg Penggemar Ice Cream!! 50% off [HALAL]

11 April 2011

Brita Baik bg Penggemar Ice Cream!! 50% off [HALAL]

Nik Nurehan | Monday, April 11, 2011 | 2 Komen
Beauty Anergy

2 Locations : Sooka Sentral (KL Sentral)


Kota Damansara

RM21 instead of RM42 for TWO Yummylicious Tubs (400ml each) of Buckets Artisan Ice Creams - HALAL [50% OFF]

RM 21
Value Discount Savin

We all scream for Buckets Ice Creams!

Halal, fresh, quality ingredients and with a bucketful of colours and flavours, no one can deny the fantabulous taste of Buckets Artisan Ice Creams. Distinguishing themselves from normal run of the mill ice creams, Buckets Ice Creams is an Artisan Ice Cream maker.

With Milk Based Ice Creams (average 10-12% fat) and sorbets (99.9% fat free), Buckets Ice Creams is able to produce and create customised ice cream or sorbet flavours from scratch (without using imported premixes) to suit any requirement. This way, they’d be able to adjust and tweak recipes as they go along. How interesting & unique!
Now is the time to experience the evidently delicious Buckets Ice Creams for RM21 instead of RM42 for TWO 400ml YUMMYLICIOUS Tubs of Buckets Artisan Ice Creams, Kota Damansara. If you would like to redeem at the Sooka Sentral branch, buy your voucher(s) here. That’s 50% off! Choose from popular flavours like French Vanilla, Cappuccino, Belgian Choc, Green Tea, Black Sesame, Durian, Cherry mania, Mixed Nuts, Strawberry Cream, Peppermint & Chocolate Chip and sorbets of Mandarin Orange, Raspberry and Passion fruit.

Using only the finest ingredients sourced locally and internationally, each lick of Buckets Artisan Ice Creams brings exquisite pleasure, a taste you know that’s original. For example, Belgian Cocoa is sourced straight from France, Vanilla Beans from Madagascar, Green Tea from Japan, Berries from France and Nut Pastes from Italy! It can’t get any fresher and original than this!
Wait no more. Melting moments like these are best enjoyed together.

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  1. ni yg x best ni..
    tym tgh tringin gila makan ais krim.
    trus terbukak blog yang tayang aiskrim. adehh


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