Bedroom Furniture Set - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: Bedroom Furniture Set

22 June 2011

Bedroom Furniture Set

Nik Nurehan | Wednesday, June 22, 2011 | 5 Komen
Bkn nk menunjuk atau bemegah tapi ingin berkongsi set bilik dengan anda2 sekalian.
Buatan china jerk pun. first choice buatan dari spain tapi brg nyer x dpt nk smpai pd tarikh kami inginkan. tpaksa la memilih buatan china. harganya sama shj. jd lebih bebaloi la beli buatan spain itu. utk pengetahuan korang la yerp buatan sana takde king tapi didatangi extra king.
x de la tlalu mahal tp harga yg bpatutan. mampu milik la!
Size : king size. Buatan China, plywood. Harga : RM5+++

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  1. fu yoo... aku 'cemburu' ni kat umh mak ayahnya atau umh 'sendiri' tue?

  2. I always prefer the color of these furniture, my house is full of the same color furnitures.

  3. shai : rumah mak loll ;) sbb itu mak sponsor. lg pun mmg duk dgn mak pun.

  4. The design of this bed room just looking as a classical model. I'm satisfied with the look of this bedroom. Thanks...

  5. Today is documentation weather, isn't it?


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