Island hopping is a term that has several different definitions as it is applied in various fields. Generally, the term refers to the means of crossing an ocean by a series of shorter journeys between islands, as opposed to a single journey directly across the ocean to the destination.
Taking the 3.5 hours Island Hopping tour, one will get to visit (with accordance) Pulau Dayang Bunting, Pulau Singa Besar and Pulau Beras Basah.

Pulau Dayang Bunting ( Island of Pregnant Maidens) mendapat namanya dari figura bentuk sebuah pulau seperti wanita sedang mengandung yang sedang berbaring.

We got off the boat at the jetty in Pulau Dayang Bunting to visit another legendary legacy, Tasik Dayang Bunting (Lake Of The Pregnant Maiden) We were given approximately an hour to spend on the island doing whatever we wanted. We climbed a rock stair for 15 minutes to reach the lake and there were a lot of monkeys around. Luckily they were not aggressive.

Tasik Dayang BuntingNestled amidst lush forested hill on an island south of Pulau Langkawi is Tasik Dayang Bunting (Lake of the Pregnant Maiden), the largest lake in Langkawi. The outline of hills and rocky outcrops on one side of the lake resembles the shape of a pregnant maiden lying on her back. However, the name of both the island and lake is attributed to the legend of a lovely fairy princess who married an earthly prince. Her first child died shortly after birth. She was so sad and depressed that she buried the child in the crystal clear waters of the lake. Before she returned to her celestial abode, she blessed the waters so that any childless maiden who bathed in the lake would conceive thereafter.
* 15 may 2011, island hopping! incik suami sesenyap buat pembayaran utk trip ni tau. tau2 pun dh lewat petang kata nk g naik boat utk ke 3 pulau. wahh suka tp ketakutan jgk. takut kut2 an ni jenis mabuk laut. heeeeeeee.. tp lum cuba lum tahu. ann ni jenis mabuk tp x tahu la kut2 naik boat ok jer. tnyata!!!!!!!! alhamdullilah perjalanan tsangat2 ok & sangat enjoy!!! Tak sia2 la incik suami wt suprise ini. TQ so much sayang. tsangatt happy ;P
* Len2 kali nak naik boat lg oke!!! ke pulau sterusnya.
* Ada peluang nk g pulau phentian lorr.. heeeeeeeeeee sblm ni takut!! ;P
* A'a baju kita rang sama. beli cap body glove jerk kt langkawi fair. heeee.. murah, rm 69 utk 2 psg kut. x confirm cuz incik suami yg bayarkan. hehe. Orange colour wooooo ;p x penah ada lg. suka!!
I love Langkawi, and Island hoping is great. I didnt have an underwater camera, so couldnt take any photos of the corals and fishes.
ReplyDeleteyeah! first time. ann sukakannya! x rugi. next time nk lg.. heeee..
ReplyDelete* x de cmera jgk ;( guna bb shj