Hampir setahun umur Hadif Hassani, barulah ibu bapanya bkesempatan utk membeli stroller quinny ini. Heeeeeeeeee jenuh nk mengumpul duet oke! kalau org lain petik jari. jangan kata sebiji beberapa biji udah dibeli kut. kekeke.
The Quinny Zapp Xtra gives you the freedom to take your child out in all-day comfort. With a fully adjustable seat which can face you or the world, its easy to fold whilst simple to recline for your childs nap!
- Suitable from 6 months unless used with the 'Quinny from birth Inlay' to 15kg
- Compact and lightweight stroller
- Compact fold - the seat unit is removed and placed underneath the folded frame
- Parent-facing and forward-facing seat unit
- Fully reclinable - 2 positions parent-facing and 3 positions forward-facing, ultimate comfort for baby
- Travel system ready - add a Maxi-Cosi baby car seat (Pebble or CabrioFix)
- Includes shopping basket, parasol clip, sun canopy, raincover and car seat adapters.
- Additional extras include a parasol, bumper bar (fits 2012 and newer models) and matching footmuff. (sold separately)
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