Cheesy Pops Pizza + Tempura king prawns
Apa yang saya boleh commentkan disini, bukan sleraku. bermakna x brapa sedap la. tapi cita rasa masing2 la kan. hehehe. udang tu digrg celup tepung, x crispy. huhu. lg sedap grg sndiri. keke
utk my parents tsayang :
(Best served with spaghetti)
Meatballs (chicken/beef), minced meat and roasted onions simmered in tomato sauce and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.
(Best served with fettuccine)
Creamy Carbonara sauce, char-grilled chicken, Shitake mushrooms, onions and fresh green peas
TQ SAYANG, Mohd Khairi utk mkn2 hari ini!! Yummmy!!
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