Slimmer shape? Fheewit Figure? Figuratively speaking, it's easy with Scala Bio! RM28 for RM68 cash voucher. Go figure! - I luv evrything about ..... I luv evrything about .....: Slimmer shape? Fheewit Figure? Figuratively speaking, it's easy with Scala Bio! RM28 for RM68 cash voucher. Go figure!

19 March 2011

Slimmer shape? Fheewit Figure? Figuratively speaking, it's easy with Scala Bio! RM28 for RM68 cash voucher. Go figure!

Nik Nurehan | Saturday, March 19, 2011 | 2 Komen

RM28 for RM68 Worth of Cash Voucher + Free National Postage Worth RM10 from Scala Bio, Kuala Lumpur [64% OFF]

Dengan RM 28 sahaja okies. kalau harga biasa, rm 78! Errrkkk save banyak tu!!

Value Discount You Save
RM78.00 64% RM50.00


Ever wanted to look great in a kebaya? Have a party dress to fit into? Now you can and in an instant! Scala Bio to your rescue.
Originating from Brazil and using the latest bio ceramic technology, Scala Bio brings you the only seamless microfiber control underwear containing exclusive Active Bio-Crystals to reduce cellulite. It’s the latest in high-tech shape wear! Now, you can lose inches instantly and look great in your dream outfits! Scala Bio helps you combat cellulite when the Active bio-crystals, upon contact with the heat of our skin, causes the fat layers to melt into liquid, thus, encouraging a *smoother overall appearance and texture.
exciting and modern designs to suit your fashion sense; from only RM148 for the BioFir Slimming Bermuda to RM248 for the BioPromise Posture Bra and everything in between, you can have your pick of the many garments in variations and combinations displayed online!
The great thing about Scala Bio’s unique and magical seamless microfiber control underwear is that it’s comfortable and works like a second skin. You can wear it in your sleep or underneath your office wear and forget that you’re actually wearing an outfit that combats cellulite, designed to slim your silhouette, shapes and tones your figure without having to work hard at all.
With Scala Bio, it’s all about getting that figure without having to figure out how.
For a limited time only, get RM68 worth of Scala Bio vouchers for only RM28 + Free Postage Nationwide via Poslaju!

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